
Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Science Oobleck

Today we made a hypothis if it was a solid or a liquid, my hypothis was we are going to mix a solid and a liquid and i think it going to be a liquid and a solid. 
After we did our hypothis we started to talk about variable which is what we can change,  we could change the amount of corn flower or water.
We finally got to the good bit which was getting our hand dirty we saw Miss Kirkpatrick do it first then we got to try after her which was fun my group added to much water to we didn't do it right but we still had putting our hand in.

After we had to write our observation and i said when I touch the oobleck it feel hard but when I pick it up it feel like a liquid. The reason why it feel like that it because it a non'newtonian liquid and when you punch the oobleck the moleclue join together.


Chelsea Donaldson said...

I hope you enjoyed the science experiment Jasmine. Oobleck is very strange but special, since it goes against the Newtons rules about liquids. It is great that you noticed that putting pressure on oobleck makes it a solid because the solid molecules join.

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