
Tuesday, 28 June 2016


Good evening/morning. Why do you hurt yourself with sharp tools there always a reason but i’m not here to talk to you about harming yourself. I’m here to tell you to stop! How would you feel like waking up every morning and seeing a scar on your arm? You're not doing anything good by cutting yourself. You're making your situation worse you're letting whoever upset you win. Is that really what you want to do?

Do you feel ashamed or guilty afterwards could you walk down the street feeling proud of yourself. Why would you do such a thing, I don’t understand why people do that to themselves it is not good for them. People should really think before they do stuff like that. Their parents wouldn’t be happy with them because they made a bad decision. If you think that self harming is good for you you're wrong. If you self harm you will regret it in a few months time. People might ask you questions or even stare at what you did and you won’t like it. My question to you is would you ever self harm yourself.

It doesn’t solve anything, you're still hurting yourself there always consequences after like for example you’re damaging your body or maybe losing blood. We as people deserve to live your life to the fullest.

So don’t hurt yourself with sharp tool. It's only making you feel worse.

This is my speech, I had to talk in front of Gozan, Shannon, Mia and Tiare. I didn't do well because I was nervous, I can see I need to work on expression, I think I did well with a loud clear voice even though I was nervous I tried to keep clam.I tried my best to look at everyone but I kept forgetting apart of my speech. I think if i'd practice more I could of did all my speech without cue cards.


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